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Get in Shape for Spring with hCG Diet/Protocol

Get in Shape for Spring with hCG Diet/Protocol

Spring is here! That means swimsuits and sandles are right around the corner. Get rid of fat, once and for all! For the month of March, start the hCG Diet/Protocol at up to $150 off.

If you’re looking to lose weight and keep it off we have the solution. It’s simple… the hCG Protocol directed by Dr. G at Atlantis Medical Center is a weight management solution in which our team trains you to change your metabolism so that it works more efficiently allowing you to lose weight while keeping muscle mass. Your Weight Management Coach will teach you how to eat better, exercise more, and will be just a call away if you ever have questions or are simply having a weak moment.
For the month of March, when you start on the hCG Protocol, you’ll receive:
– $100 Off first-time hCG
– $50 off 2nd rounds
– or start with a friend and you’ll each get $150 off
Discount will be applied to final payment.

For more information on how you can get $150 off the hCG Diet/Protocol in Marlyand for the month of March, call us today.

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(301) 658-7686